My Continuing Smile Journey with Park Avenue Orthodontics

I’m happy to announce my smile journey with Park Avenue Orthodontics is over 1/2 way complete! It’s really true what they say…”time flies”. I was hesitant the process would seem lengthy, socially hindering,  or even painful, BUT it’s been none of the above. I’m breezing through and can’t believe how far I’ve come. Very few people have even noticed I’m wearing clear aligners. Continue reading My Continuing Smile Journey with Park Avenue Orthodontics

Momtrends Family Ski Weekend at Stratton Mountain Resort

This past weekend our family attended the 4th annual Momtrends Family Ski Weekend at Stratton Mountain Resort in Southern Vermont. It’s always an adventure for our family of five traveling anywhere and this was no exception. We loaded up the car with hats, gloves, ski coats, and anything else you can imagine three kids and two adults may (or may not need) for a ski weekend getaway. Continue reading Momtrends Family Ski Weekend at Stratton Mountain Resort

Hiring a Professional Interior Designer with Thumbtack

In the later part of this summer I attended an event in NYC and learned about some “Fall Hacks” with Thumbtack. I was completely blow away and impressed at all the fun and interesting ideas at the event. Thumbtack is a company that provides services for just about anything and everything! If you need to hire someone, Thumbtack can find the right person for the job, for FREE! Continue reading Hiring a Professional Interior Designer with Thumbtack

Super Soccer Stars – Building Confidence & So Much More!

From a very young age parents often wonder right away what kind of activities will their child be best suited for. Will it be music, sports,  dance, tumbling? Living in NYC, we are lucky enough to have access to many unique kids’ activities and also more common sports-related ones such as soccer. Continue reading Super Soccer Stars – Building Confidence & So Much More!

Coding for Kids with Juni Learning

It’s no secret my kids are growing up in a different world and I couldn’t be happier. Because of technological advancements, there are so many more opportunities to take advantage of. Some things have not changed, which is a need for after school and/or summer activities. Yes, kids still have access to sports, books, and music but now they also can have CODING with Juni Learning. Continue reading Coding for Kids with Juni Learning