Category Archives: Headlines

Girls Rule in MOXIE Collection from Keens Footwear

Keens footwear has always been a staple for my son since he could walk. Year after year he wears the durable and “kid proof” sandals every summer. With the sturdy structure, toe cover and waterproof feature, I never thought of looking anywhere else for a summer shoe. Continue reading Girls Rule in MOXIE Collection from Keens Footwear

Orchestra – Bringing French Fashion to the US for Kids

I’ve always had a special place in my heart for European clothing. There is something so chic about the way the French dress. They are understated, yet always fashionable and timeless.  We as Americans like to take our trends to the extreme, hence the hilarious flashback photos everyone seems to have from each generation. I highly doubt this is the same occurrence with our French counterparts. Continue reading Orchestra – Bringing French Fashion to the US for Kids

AllGlamR – Truly Suntastic!

Every spring I began my research for a new tinted sunscreen in preparation for the warmer months. Of course, I use a sunscreen year around but I always increase SPF in the summer. I’m a strong believer in protecting my skin and no longer par take in sun worshiping activities which I used to love so much! Continue reading AllGlamR – Truly Suntastic!

Soothing coughs with Vicks VapoRub

This post is sponsored by Vicks® VapoRub™ and SheKnows Media.

Fond childhood memories are often triggered by certain special places, familiar people, and most vividly by a smell. If I smell the scent of Vicks® VapoRub™, I can instantly remember my grandmother rubbing it on my chest in her big, drafty farmhouse growing up in Texas. It was pretty much her answer to anything and she always had a big jar handy. The medicated vapors would start to work on contact and I was always sure to have a good night’s sleep.
Continue reading Soothing coughs with Vicks VapoRub