Why do you wear a mask? With all the information we have about how the COVID 19 virus is spread, it’s essential everyone wears a mask to protect EACH OTHER! Basically, I wear a mask for you and you wear a mask for me. Easy enough? For most of us having access to a mask is not a problem, but this isn’t the case for everyone.
United We Mask is a nonprofit organization created to encourage sound public health practices and make PPE more accessible. For each mask ordered, United We Mask will donate one to a person in need. Their mission is to leave medical grade masks for those at higher risk of COVID exposure and make re-usable masks for those in need. Not only does this keep our essential workers safe, it ensures everyone has access to the PPE they need to feel safe, no matter race, socio-economic status, job or age.
Recently, during a virtual event with United We Mask, I learned how damaging the disposable masks can be for the environment. My kids have been using reusable masks since the beginning of the pandemic, but I’m guilty of using the disposable surgical masks out of convenience. I’m so happy to now have a beautiful hand sewn “reusable” mask from United We Mask.
United We Mask has a collective and unpaid 20 + sewers and volunteers across the United States. They often host DIY workshops to provide participants the tools they need to make a difference in their communities. They have also partnered with Fortune 500 companies, universities, and nonprofits. Some of their partners include Fabscrap, Minted, Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos, Verloop, and Kaitlyn Chu.
Kaitlyn Chu is a senior at the University of Southern California. She wrote and illustrated an adorable children’s book entitled “Smiling from Ear to Ear” in the hopes of making mask wearing. more approachable for kids. My youngest child is five and this book makes her feel like she’s not alone by wearing a mask everywhere she goes. Thank you Kaitlyn for writing such a relevant children’s book for us to read together!
Did you know that 129 Billion face masks are being used globally each month? While on one hand this is good news for protecting ourselves against COVID, it’s not good news for our landfills and oceans. We need to keep our planet safe and think about how we can do things “better”. United We Mask offers a sustainable mask kit in hopes of limiting disposable mask waste. Follow this step by step DIY non-sew mask instructions to create your very own eco friendly face mask. All you need it an old t-shirt, bandana, or baby blanket to get started! Be sure to visit the designer corner for tips!
United We Mask also encourages us to remember and wash our face mask after each use along with hand washing and social distancing in order to lower the risk for a viral encounter. If we all work together, we can make a difference!
Compensation was provided by United We Mask via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of United We Mask or Momtrends.