Safely Getting Around the Big Apple with LYFT

Before having kids getting around New York City was a non issue. I would take the subway, hail a cab, or just walk the city blocks if I had extra time. As with everything, life changes and now I have 3 kids to also transport from one activity to the next. I learned really quickly that although it may be the safest option, car seats are not exactly light weight “or” convenient to lug around. Let’s not even get started on trying to install one on the fly in a NYC yellow cab. Nine years ago my husband and I safely brought our son home from the hospital in a NYC cab and I can honestly say, we never fully installed another car seat for a temporary cab ride around the city again. Continue reading Safely Getting Around the Big Apple with LYFT

Spring Skiing at Okemo Mountain Resort

I’ve spent the majority of my life wondering what it would be like to snow ski. For one reason or another, skiing was never a sport that I did with my family growing up and even as an adult, I’ve not attempted to try…. that is, until this year! Now, my only question is…. why oh why did I wait so long? Continue reading Spring Skiing at Okemo Mountain Resort

To celebrate the release of Ferdinand we’re making Kindness Rocks!

Everyone knows you can’t judge a “bull” by its cover! I recently partnered with The Kindness Rocks project along with Fox Home Entertainment to celebrate the release of Ferdinand. Ferdinand is available now on Digital and Blu-ray and DVD. Continue reading To celebrate the release of Ferdinand we’re making Kindness Rocks!

Calling All New & Expectant Moms to The DC Baby Show March 24th

When one finds out they are expecting, the first thought is always… “what will I need to buy for my baby”? There are countless options and truth be told, the entire experience can be overwhelming. Everyone seems to have an opinion about what is best, most popular, or unnecessary. Continue reading Calling All New & Expectant Moms to The DC Baby Show March 24th

Palmers Hits the “Stretch” Mark

Skincare has always been important to me in every stage of my life. I’ve always been interested in what I can do to improve the appearance and texture of my skin. Sure, there are certain genetic boundaries that will never allow me to have completely flawless skin, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try! Continue reading Palmers Hits the “Stretch” Mark