This post is in partnership with Pampers, all opinions are my own!
It’s hard to believe my kids have been using diapers for almost 10 years now. That’s right, an entire decade with no break in between three kids ages, 9, 4 and 2. I wouldn’t trade any of it and sadly our time will be up as our youngest will soon make the transition at some point. Until then, our tried and true brand of choice, Pampers, will remain with us.
I am a huge believer in sleep. As always, I never feel like we get enough sleep as a family and I’m constantly trying to make adjustments in our NYC apartment to have each child get just a bit more zzz’s. However, even with noisemakers, dream machines, and glowing unicorns, sometimes it’s not enough!
I recently teamed up with Pampers to learn about all the ways a baby can get a better night sleep. According to Pampers research, when baby sleeps well moms say their baby is more approachable, adaptable, and less distracted the next day. Your baby is also more alert, better behaved, and can function better socially. I absolutely notice the difference when my children are well rested vs. not. When my youngest wakes up smiling and giggling I know she has had a great night sleep. However, when I have to wake her up myself it can take a good hour for her to adjust properly and be ready for the day. As an adult I completely understand the difference and although I don’t scream and cry on the outside, I am on the inside!
One of our best defenses for making sure our youngest daughter doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night is using Pampers Baby-Dry. The technology is truly amazing and now, after further research and extensive testing with pediatricians, dermatologists and moms you can be certain that Pampers Baby-Dry diapers go to great lengths to meet the needs of their most important customers. Making sure every baby has a healthy and happy development is Pamper’s mission!
Recently I had the honor of attending an event in New York City to listen in on a panel discussion with celebrity parents Nick and Vanessa Lachey. I was able to learn about bedtime habits and also learn about the latest innovative design now included in Pampers Baby-Dry diapers. I felt as if I was in the room talking to any other parent and learning how we really do share the same set of challenges and rewards in parenting.

Nick and Vanessa also have 3 children and feel it’s very important to establish a night-time routine. With their busy schedules I can see how this would be something that clearly takes priority. They both mentioned that babies are better and moms are better when they are rested. If you have a baby that’s up all night, clearly no one is getting quality sleep. Nick said there are so many different reasons a child be can woken up, but you certainly don’t want wet diapers to be the thing that wakes your kid up.

One of Nick and Vanessa’s parent hacks is to create a special moment and then kids will look forward to going to bed. For instance, Nick asks his oldest son each night what his favorite part of the day was. This establishes a routine as well as a special bonding moment between the parent and child. I also try to do the same with my kids and although some nights it’s not exactly the same, I try my best to incorporate a story or song so that bedtime can also be a happy time.

Vanessa feels it’s the predictability that kids love. She prefers to stagger her children’s bedtimes so each one gets important and necessary one on one time with a parent. It’s the one time of the day they get their one on one time. I agree this is so important. My husband and I have to get creative because our kids share a space, however, I am strongly leaning towards Vanessa’s idea to start and stagger our kids bedtime.
Renowned sleep expert, Kim West, was also on hand to share her professional advice on sleep. When you are also known as “The Sleep Lady“, I’m sure you have some good information for parents with kids of all ages. Kim feels very strongly about consistency. A baby has no idea what’s next so it’s up to us as parents! A sleep routine prepares the brain for sleep. Kids need both quantity and quality sleep together. When children sleep well, we sleep well! I have tried to take her advice and really incorporate a stronger routine for my family. It’s not easy but hopefully soon it will become our new normal.
Pampers doesn’t leave anything to chance. Dr. Sanchez, a scientist at Pampers, knows a baby will walk up if they feel wet. Pampers Baby-Dry is now even better than before. It’s so important to choose the right diaper for undisturbed sleep. She remembers as a child how her mother would use cloth diapers with her siblings. Once disposable diapers were invented the baby would wake up less and less during the night. She could see even then how important diapers were.
I witnessed firsthand the power of Pampers Baby Dry as Dr. Sanchez demonstrated how wet the diaper could get without becoming wet. I could visibly see the three channels and was amazed at how well they really do work. After all, a baby can urinate up to 12 times a night and with the exclusive Extra Absorb Channels little ones can stay dry and comfortable through the night. Many people are under the impression that a thicker diaper is a better diaper, but this is a myth. Pampers Baby-Dry diapers provide 12 hours of protection. Since they are enhanced with the Extra Absorb Channels they are less bulky and offer a comfortable fit (vs. previous Pampers Baby-Dry) with the same gentle material we are already used to.
Take the new #SleptLikeThis quiz at to uncover your baby’s silliest, sweetest, and sometimes-surprising sleep personality. Parents who take the quiz will receive personalized tips from The Sleep Lady, Kim West, Author, Child & Family Therapist, and Mother of two and also have the chance to win weekly prizes or the ultimate grand prize of a year supply of Pampers diapers and $2500 for a nursery/child’s room makeover*
If only we could all “SLEEP LIKE A BABY”